Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We are a little late in uploading these pictures from last week, so we will have to put some newer ones up, as things have already changed and grown!

This is the start of zucchini season for sure. This guy is perfect for the picking!
We have been enjoying these raw in salads or grilled.

This is our biggest zucchini plant.

This is our compost zucchini. Starting to take really well...

Our cannas are starting to bloom. Next update with have some pictures of the striped canna's bloom that is bright orange and beautiful.

Big ole elephant ears flanked by some hot peppers

This is our jalapeno that we grew from seed.

 Our new experiment for the year....Quinoa. We are not quite sure how and when to harvest it, but it is enjoying its spot in the shade. We only have a few plants, so this should be interesting.

 Our morning glorys have started to grow into the tree.  They are going to grow crazy here soon.

One of our biggest Romas.

Our lettuce boxes. Behind them along the fence are the french beans. Those were delicious cooked with a little bit of curry...and served with some of J's (Paul's) famous burgers

This is our massive over-wintered habanero. We stripped it of the leaves, cleaned the roots, replanted it in clean soil and gave it minimal water through the winter. It sat on our windowsill and slowly started to grow new leaves.  This plant has an awesome root system....considering it survived a near massacre from dog paws.

Our box. It is growing some snap peas (served raw in a salad has been our favorite use), 2 roma tomato plants, and 3 bell pepper plants.

 These are a few of our black beauty eggplants that we have been growing from seed...ready for transplant.

These are some cherry tomato plants that are grown from seed and also ready for transplant....we just need some mulch!

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