Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We are a little late in uploading these pictures from last week, so we will have to put some newer ones up, as things have already changed and grown!

This is the start of zucchini season for sure. This guy is perfect for the picking!
We have been enjoying these raw in salads or grilled.

This is our biggest zucchini plant.

This is our compost zucchini. Starting to take really well...

Our cannas are starting to bloom. Next update with have some pictures of the striped canna's bloom that is bright orange and beautiful.

Big ole elephant ears flanked by some hot peppers

This is our jalapeno that we grew from seed.

 Our new experiment for the year....Quinoa. We are not quite sure how and when to harvest it, but it is enjoying its spot in the shade. We only have a few plants, so this should be interesting.

 Our morning glorys have started to grow into the tree.  They are going to grow crazy here soon.

One of our biggest Romas.

Our lettuce boxes. Behind them along the fence are the french beans. Those were delicious cooked with a little bit of curry...and served with some of J's (Paul's) famous burgers

This is our massive over-wintered habanero. We stripped it of the leaves, cleaned the roots, replanted it in clean soil and gave it minimal water through the winter. It sat on our windowsill and slowly started to grow new leaves.  This plant has an awesome root system....considering it survived a near massacre from dog paws.

Our box. It is growing some snap peas (served raw in a salad has been our favorite use), 2 roma tomato plants, and 3 bell pepper plants.

 These are a few of our black beauty eggplants that we have been growing from seed...ready for transplant.

These are some cherry tomato plants that are grown from seed and also ready for transplant....we just need some mulch!

Monday, June 4, 2012

6/2/2012 Photos

6/2/2012 Photos

Here you go Jon - just for you, shots of hot peppers and elephant ears growing along our fence. Two of three elephant ears, the small plant next to the fence is a jalapeno.

Left to right: fish eye pepper, striped canna, elephant ear, kiss me over the garden gate, pimientito (our pepper we keep taking seeds from every year, don't know the real name?), big elephant ear.

Cannas, kiss me over the garden gates, fish eye pepper (in the cage). We bought this weird pepper last year at a nursery called "fish-eye" collected seeds and are hoping for the same large lobed hot peppers from this plant that we started from the seeds. 

Some big cannas started from bulbs from C & P.

We transplanted a squash right next to the compost pile... it seems to like the soil.

Looking down the fence.

Herb garden update - oregano and mint continue to take over. Basil, dill and cilantro are all getting big. 

Thanks for looking, J, A, & Toby!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

5/19/2012 Photos Part II

Some more photos taken 5/19/2012. Our morning glories just getting started. They really don't get good sun yet, and the soil is bad, but they're doing OK.

Herb garden includes from left to right: oregano, basil, cilantro, dill, mint and rosemary.

The biggest of our zucchini plants, started from seed.  There's a smaller yellow squash behind it.

Zucchini blossom close-up:

Thanks for checking in!
J, A, & Toby

5/19/2012 Photos Part I

We took a few pictures on 5/19/2012.  This is the view from our kitchen window which shows the majority of our garden.  There are two large planter boxes, designed and built loosely following Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening Method (and inspiration from Aunt MA, of course). Behind those is a 9x9 bed which is fenced in.  Alongside the fence we have some planting space, and some container gardening in wooden wine boxes.  Detail to follow.

This is the box closest to the house, a 4' x 4' bed. It was our first gardening project in this yard. In the box from left to right: snap peas, sweet peppers (still small!), roma tomatoes. We started them all from seed.

A detail shot of the same box:

The second box is a 4' x 8' which was built with a lot of help from Jon. Mostly seedlings in this photos. From left to right: snap peas, carrots, radishes, eggplants and sweet peppers (all small but the peas).  These are all from seed except the two egglplants (we cheated)!

Same box, different angle:

Along the fence we have some small stuff. A few bean plants in the front and wine boxes with spinach, head lettuces and mesclun.

Lettuce detail:

Heres a litte spring salad harvest we enjoyed - radishes, snap peas, zucchini and greens:

Thanks for looking, check back for updates!

J, A, & Toby


Hi family, friends and fans (ha),
Some garden updates to be posted here. This should be a fun and easy way for us to share our garden, and hopefully more, with all of you. Hope you enjoy!

J, A, & Toby