Saturday, June 2, 2012

5/19/2012 Photos Part I

We took a few pictures on 5/19/2012.  This is the view from our kitchen window which shows the majority of our garden.  There are two large planter boxes, designed and built loosely following Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening Method (and inspiration from Aunt MA, of course). Behind those is a 9x9 bed which is fenced in.  Alongside the fence we have some planting space, and some container gardening in wooden wine boxes.  Detail to follow.

This is the box closest to the house, a 4' x 4' bed. It was our first gardening project in this yard. In the box from left to right: snap peas, sweet peppers (still small!), roma tomatoes. We started them all from seed.

A detail shot of the same box:

The second box is a 4' x 8' which was built with a lot of help from Jon. Mostly seedlings in this photos. From left to right: snap peas, carrots, radishes, eggplants and sweet peppers (all small but the peas).  These are all from seed except the two egglplants (we cheated)!

Same box, different angle:

Along the fence we have some small stuff. A few bean plants in the front and wine boxes with spinach, head lettuces and mesclun.

Lettuce detail:

Heres a litte spring salad harvest we enjoyed - radishes, snap peas, zucchini and greens:

Thanks for looking, check back for updates!

J, A, & Toby

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