Monday, June 4, 2012

6/2/2012 Photos

6/2/2012 Photos

Here you go Jon - just for you, shots of hot peppers and elephant ears growing along our fence. Two of three elephant ears, the small plant next to the fence is a jalapeno.

Left to right: fish eye pepper, striped canna, elephant ear, kiss me over the garden gate, pimientito (our pepper we keep taking seeds from every year, don't know the real name?), big elephant ear.

Cannas, kiss me over the garden gates, fish eye pepper (in the cage). We bought this weird pepper last year at a nursery called "fish-eye" collected seeds and are hoping for the same large lobed hot peppers from this plant that we started from the seeds. 

Some big cannas started from bulbs from C & P.

We transplanted a squash right next to the compost pile... it seems to like the soil.

Looking down the fence.

Herb garden update - oregano and mint continue to take over. Basil, dill and cilantro are all getting big. 

Thanks for looking, J, A, & Toby!

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